The RISD Graphic Design Department invites four designers every year and opens periodic workshops for graduate students. Michael Rock, the founder of 2x4 inc., was the first visiting designer in 2016. I put a black 2x4 stick on the center of the poster, and typeset vertically. The remaining spaces are filled with pink rocks inspired by the designer's name.
Stuart Bailey, who co-founded Dot Dot Dot magazine with Peter Bilak, became well-know in the graphic design field with the establishment of his art magazine. Its distinctive name inspired me to design the poster with dots as constituent components. In addition to that, I wanted to depict a day of a visiting designer on the poster.

Poster I (23 x 35 inches)
Poster II (24 x 36 inches)

2016 February
2017 February

Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York 11249
©2022 Wooksang Kwon

+1 917 963 727(😳)

wooksangkwon (at)