Samsung SDS⁠—Brity RPA & Assistant
Brity RPA is a customizable app that can help users automate their work process with no need for expertise in programming languages.
        Users can easily design automation processes using intuitive GUI-based drag-and-drop features that work on various environments: Windows, Web, MS Excel, and key business systems such as ERP with the predefined activities offered.
The three geometric figures with three colors represent the product’s user, creator, and AI. They are different variables linked to each other, completing an automated system.

Samsung SDS—Brity RPA
Logo + Logotype
Chatbot Symbol
Brand Identity Guideline

2020 Fall

Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York 11249
©2022 Wooksang Kwon

+1 917 963 727(😳)

wooksangkwon (at)